Submit now for 2025 Spring Issue | Submissions close 3/30

All Lynbrook students and alumni are eligible to submit stories to Aletheia. Keep in mind that we are not looking for literary excellence, but rather honest accounts of your personal experiences. Note that advisors are mandated reporters so we are required to ask for your name but this will only be seen by the advisors. All aspects of your identity will remain anonymous.

We publish every submission that adheres to the following guidelines; please read them carefully before you begin.


  1. Your submission must be relevant to the topic and include a personal experience. It may not comprise solely of your opinion on the topic.

  2. The staff of Aletheia is committed to preserving the integrity of your submission and will not make changes, with exception to certain profanity (which will be asterisked-out). We do not edit submissions for grammar or syntax.

  3. Aletheia is dedicated to maintaining everyone's anonymity. Do not include identifiable characteristics in your submission. Make sure that any people you mention in your submission are not easily identifiable.

  4. Do not write anything that causes or advocates harm against others.

There is no limit on submission length. Please make sure to submit your story before our deadline stated below. We will not be able to accommodate late submissions.


Our theme for this issue is Rejection. Here are some guiding questions to help you think.

  1. What are your first thoughts when you hear the words “rejection"?

  2. Have you ever faced rejection (whether it was academically, aspirationally or in relationships)? How would you describe your experience?

  3. Have you ever rejected someone of something? If so, how did it feel?

  4. When was a time you felt blindsided by a rejection? (you didn’t expect it) Why did you feel blindsided?

  5. What do you think is the ideal way to handle rejection?